Monday, August 13, 2012

Sleeping so much in Noches isn't good~

You know the feeling when you're 'cold' that you may fall asleep? They say that at times it's not a good idea (especially if you're lost in the wild and are open to the environment) with the condition of your body in the world of Noches. 

As you know, all living things in this world must have a healthy/stabled magic system in their respective bodies. For the need to stay 'warm' and yet we all feel recharged and renewed when resting our mind and body via sleeping. Funny enough, it not only recharges the body/brain in this world but it makes it easier to adsorb magic in this state. Thus why not sleep as much as you can? Well as showed by the character Sofia, the factor in taking advantage of this state (basically sleeping) makes your body 'lazy' in taking magic. 

Like if  you use sanitizer very often, your immune system weakens and becomes lazy. That concept is easy to understand but why must our bodies be 'forced' to fall asleep for the need of survival of magic? Seems like a lost-lost for the one with such a condition. Luckly, Ruiz helps her out~

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Does magic really have 'color'?

Interesting thing about 'magic' itself in the world of Noches. Based on lore and descriptions, the color appearance of 'everything in general' is because of the effect caused by magic. Yet there is no 'neutral' color for the magic itself. Perhaps it's clear or white like the Moon, magic doesn't seem to colored at all.

Thus there are theories surrounding that 'magic', is 'everything' respectively if it is responsible for the appearance of most things. Even with the smallest of contact with said magic. PERSONALLY I find that to be bullshit. And I wrote the story.  =P